Monday, April 8, 2013

Pioneering Tip #8

-Fun Knots and Coiling-

Today I wanted to get back to a few knots that are both useful and fun, as well as good ways to coil your rope.

The Shortener:  The Sheep-shank, and Man-of-War Sheep-Shank are both good knots for shortening rope.

Above, Steps 1 and 2 show the more difficult version of the Sheep-Shank.  Step 3, show the simplified version. 

The image on the left shows the 4 loops necessary for the Man-of-War and how to pull them, and the image on the right shows the completed version of the knot

The awesome thing about either version of the sheep-shank is that it will not come undone on its own.

One for Sailing:  The Mast Head Knot is used to attach the cords of the mast to the pole used to support the mast.  The key here, is if done right, the 3 loops when attached to the top of the mast pole, will only tighten the harder they are pulled.
Be wary and make sure you pull the center loop, otherwise you may complete it more like a Sheep-Shank

Coiling Rope:  When you go to store your rope, you need to consider the size of the rope, cord, hose you are using.  
Basic Coil-This is the standard one in which you just create loops to hang it easily.  To determine the size of the loop look at the length of the rope.  If the cord is rather short, then wrap it the length from your elbow to your palm.  For larger lengths, either do it between a half to full arms length.  To finish, wrap the last foot of cordage around the line and finish it off by pushing the end through the loops.
Small Coil-Ever want a way to keep your headphones from becoming tangled, but also want an easy way to slide out more cord when the length you have is to short, well, this one is for you.  Take your headphone cord in your hand and you will complete a figure 8 pattern where the two loops go around 2 fingers each (1 loop goes around the pointer and middle, and the other goes around the pinkie and ring).  When you get to the last few inches you will do like the above to finish.  The cord easily undoes itself and can be redone quite quickly.

Those are my headphones above, the coiling will help keep them untangled and ready for use

Tomorrow I'll go over some climbing knots that are useful if on a tower or not.

Fuse it, Lash it, Tie on!

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