Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Dining Etiquette Tip #5

-What Not To do-

Here is a break down of simple things that you should not do during a meal.

If you have a piece of food that is being difficult to get on the fork/spoon, use another utensil or piece of bread to push it on, do NOT use your fingers

If you have a piece of food that might "explode" like grapes when stabbed, roll it onto your fork, do NOT make a mess

If you have leftover food, do NOT ask for a doggy bag (an exception is for informal events with friends)

Do NOT ask to taste someone's food and do NOT offer your food to others.  This looks poor not only to your boss, but also to the wait staff and kitchen.  (Remember, this is for business dining, there may be exceptions for couples dating, but don't cross this territory unless you've reached that point)

Do NOT talk with your mouth full, and do NOT chew with your mouth open.  This may sound like something that you have been told since you were able to eat on your own, well, some people need reminders

If your soup is to hot to eat, do NOT blow on it and do NOT put an ice cube in it.  Remember, sophistication, you are not 5, wait a minute or two to let it cool.

Do NOT place your cover/hat on the table.  Either place it on your belt/backside, floor under your seat, or in the bars of the seat, or better yet, if there is a place to store hats/coats at the restaurant/location, use it.  This is good to know for both military and civilians.

Do NOT blow your nose at the table, try to excuse yourself to the restroom and do so.  Remember to wash your hands before returning.  If you have to cough, use your napkin to cover your mouth.  If you cannot get control of your coughing, then excuse yourself.  Do NOT sneeze/cough into your hand, if you must, do so into your elbow, but do your best to avoid this.

Do NOT skip out on the tip.  (More on this tomorrow)

Remember, while out, general etiquette follows you into every form of etiquette, do NOT be the one who stands out because you are acting like a five year old at a formal function.

Bon appétit!

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