Saturday, March 23, 2013

Dining Etiquette Tip #2

-Basic Gentlemanly/Ladylike Behavior-

Today I'm going to hit on some of the things we think we know, and actually do the wrong thing.  Don't worry, I'm here to help!

Sitting at the table:  Here's the rule, men, you sit last.  General etiquette dictates two sitting standards, one, the man politely lets the lady sit  first (in today's era he does not have to pull out/push in the chair, but hey, it's a nice touch), two, when a lady goes to leave/return to the table, all men at the table should stand.

Sitting Position:  At a meal there are two formats that may be used.  The first is the Square Table with a Head Position, in this case, the other members of the group will sit after the head individual has taken his/her seat (this is the same for formal military meals, as well as business meals).  The second is a more generic seating where everyone is equal, in this case the party is usually seated male-female around the table, and the men sit after the ladies.

Passing Food:  The rule here is "Offer Left, Pass Right."  This prevents the person to your left from being last (though they can decline) and it provides an easy way to pass items around the table.

Keep the Twins Together:  The "Twins" are the Salt & Pepper Shaker, and no matter if an individual only asks for one of them, you are to pass both, think of them as soul-mates.

Napkin Placement:  When you take your seat at the table, the first action you should take is to take your napkin and place it on your lap.  If you must leave temporarily, place your napkin either on your seat or on the right side of your plate.  When you are finished with your meal, place the napkin to the left side of your plate.

End of Course Silverware:  Once you have finished a course, place the silverware of that meal together at the 5-o-clock position on the plate/bowl.

The "Head" of the Table:  Obviously this is an important person, either an employer, commander, family elder, which ever, the key here, is follow his/her guide.  You will sit after him/her, he/she will take the first bite of their meal, and they will drive the conversation (may be more relaxed based on the event and size of group).

Start Eating:  Depending on the size of your party determines when you will eat, sorta.  If you are in a small group (5 or less), then wait for everyone to receive their meals before digging in.  If you are in a larger group (6 or more) then you may go ahead and eat as your food arrives.

Hint:  Follow the Leader, then follow the Lady

Hint:  Napkin on the Lap until Silverware goes to 5

These tips focused more on general behavior guidelines rather than food guidelines (hint hint)

Bon appétit!

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