Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Soccer Refereeing Tips #1

Soccer/Futbol is a world-wide sport that has a set of dedicated individuals that set out to protect the sport and ensure fairness.  Referees spend lots of "classroom" and "field work" time learning the sport and the ins and outs of their jobs before they move up to being a professional.  This week I'm going to break down some of the key areas of their training and skill sets they have.

-Getting Started-

Physically Fit:  If you've seen any game you know that the Ref must be able to keep up with the players and stay out of the players way.  Running, is a key skill.  Forward, back, side-to-side, every direction, and maybe the ability to dodge a ball.  If you haven't done a lot of running, get out a few times a week to limber up and continue to get better.

Uniform:  As with any job, you have to look the part.
Shirt-Typically yellow, check with the league to see what color they want you to have.  Typically, it also has a Velcro location for your official badge
Socks-Black, either with 3 white stripes or the USSF (United States Soccer Federation) logo
Shorts-Plain black, with pockets to carry job specific items
Cleats-Turf shoes work as well, should be black, think, would you wear white shoes with a black suit?
General-Socks stay up, shirt is tucked in
Equipment:  Without the gear, you're gonna have a problem.
-Red/Yellow Cards
-2 Flags
-Watch (NOT a phone)
-Water Bottle (doesn't do any good if you're dehydrated)

Now that you're going to take the next day to get the gear, tomorrow we're going to take a look at the calls and signals you will be making.

Play on!

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