Monday, March 25, 2013

Dining Etiquette Tip #4

-Let's Talk Business-

It's an almost guarantee that at some point in your professional career your boss/manager/team lead is going to have you/your team out for a lunch, you may even have an interview lunch.  There are several simple etiquette things to remember while dining.

What to Eat?:  When you go to select your meal, this is your chance to show your sophistication and knowledge.  When you order, choose a meal that is relatively clean and uses utensils, this is rarely (note:  there may be special occasions where this does not hold true) a time where you want to order buffalo wings. Use the dining skills you learned in the past posts.  Plus, you do not want to constantly be going for napkins (the point of the napkin is to not use the napkin).  Also, choose something that shows a mix of health and culture.

What to Drink?:  Water.  As it is, water is the easiest solution to the situation.  If you are at an interview, do NOT order alcohol, it looks poorly on you (an exception would be if you are interviewing for a position at a winery, brewery).  Also, water is a healthy selection, and you can't go wrong with it.  Remember, during an interview, your future employer is testing you the whole time, so be wiser than him/her.  There may be times, such as special functions: recognition events, parties, etc, where you may partake in alcoholic beverages, just keep in mind not to drink to much.
When to Talk?:  During a business meal, you have until the food is ordered until the food arrives to get out all business talk.  Before that the talk should focus on food choices, and introductory remarks, and once food arrives the atmosphere should relax to more friendly talk.  This is good because it limits the business conversation, however, it may be negative because it turns the interviewer's/manager's attention to breaking down your other side (don't let your guard down).  Note:  This may be different based on the event, follow the atmosphere and the leader.

The Check:  When the check arrives, there are several things that may happen.  If the company is going to cover the cost of the meal, typically the manager/interviewer/boss will cover the tip (since the company has the rest).  If the "big man" is covering the bill, then the best thing to do is to offer to cover the tip, it looks good.  Finally, if it is decided that both parties will cover their part of the bill, then each party should put in for an equal amount for the tip.  Remember to follow the leader, if you are not sure which option is going to happen, offer to pay your portion, the "big guy" will either agree or announce that they will cover it.

Remember:  Follow the Leader

Remember:  You are always under a microscope

Bon appétit!

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